Wednesday, December 21, 2022


While Uterine fibroids are common, malignancy arising in it is quite rare.

A woman in her 50s for MRI evaluation showed fundal fibroid in Uterus with T2 intermediate signal, areas of marked diffusion restriction(paired arrows) and heterogenous contrast pattern with nonenhancing areas, findings which indicate a higher risk for sarcomatous transformation.



A young man who came with swelling and pain in dorsum of hand. MRI showed accessory muscle at the site of swelling. 

Extensor digitorum brevis manus (small arrows), accessory muscle along the ulnar aspect of extensor digitorum tendon of index finger (long arrow).


A woman in 50s for left hip pain evaluation. MRI of Hips shows edema in left Pyriformis muscle and also high signal in the adjacent Sciatic nerve suggestive of Pyriformis syndrome. 

It can closely mimic radiculopathy caused by lumbar disc hernia and can be hard to differentiate clinically. 

Prolonged sitting is one of the important causes.